Frequently Asked Questions
How do I obtain a physical address?
Addresses can be found using the Comal County GIS Interactive Map. To display the addresses, zoom to the area of interest or search for a Street, Subdivision, Intersection or Comal County Property Information. Should an address be assigned, the address will be displayed for each lot. To receive a verifciation letter of an existing address or to receive a new assigned address please complete the Address Request Form and submit to the Comal County Address Coordinator:
What is a 9-1-1 address?
A 911 address is the physical location of a property that can easily be found in case of an emergency. Every structure needs to be addressed for this purpose. If you do not have a physical address at this time, please contact the Comal County Address Coordinator to establish an address.
What do I do after my 9-1-1 address is issued?
Please display this address where it is visible from the road with 6" or larger reflective numbers so emergency personnel can easily locate your property should there be an emergency. Please check with your local post office before using this new address for mailing purposes. If you are currently using a post office box for mailing purposes, your mailing address will not change. In this case, the address assigned by the address coordinator will be used for location purposes only.
Are there any fees to obtain an address?
No, there are no fees to have an address assinged.
Does Comal County install mailboxes?
Comal County does not install or provide assistance for putting in a post or mailbox for mailing purposes. You can find the items needed to install a mailbox at a local hardware store or home center.
Where can I get numbers to display my address?
You can find letters and numbers for your mailbox or residence at your local hardware store or home center. When putting address numbers on your residence, please display your address where it is visible from the road. Use 6" or larger reflective numbers so emergency personnel can easily locate your property should there be an emergency.
How do I obtain an address for a residence within city limits?
Addresses can be found using the Comal County GIS Interactive Map. To display the addresses, zoom to the area of interest or search for a Street, Subdivision, Intersection or Comal County Property Information. Should an address be assigned, the address will be displayed for each lot. To receive a verifciation letter of an existing address or to receive a new assigned address please complete the Address Request Form and submit to the Comal County Address Coordinator:
Who maintains road/street signs?
Road signs for public and private roads/streets are maintained and provided by Comal County. If you see that a road/street sign is knocked down or is missing, please call the Comal County Road Department at (830) 608-2090 so the issue can be resolved in a timely manner.
How do I obtain a private road sign?
In order to obtain a private road sign, there must be at least two residences on the property using the same entrance road. Please submit the completed Request For Naming A Private Driveway for review. After approval from all parties the Comal County Road Department will install a pole and private road sign with the approved road name.
For any other questions, please contact the Comal County Address Coordinator:
- Phone: (830) 608-2090
(830) 608-2090
- Fax: (830) 643-3810
(830) 643-3810