Street Name Approvals
The street naming proccess is a joint effort between Comal County, City of New Braunfels, United States Postal Service and Bexar Metro 9-1-1. When completing the Street Name Approval Application, please refer to the USPS Guidelines for Submission of Street Names and Street Suffix Abbreviations (Appendix C).
To apply for street names complete the Street Name Approval Application and submit to the Comal County Address Coordinator:
Request for Naming a Private Driveway
In Comal County a private road may be required when multiple residences are sharing a driveway. To request a private road name complete the Request For Naming A Private Driveway and submit to the Comal County Address Coordinator. The approval process begins with Comal County Engineer's Office, United States Postal Service and Bexar Metro 9-1-1; the approved propsed street name is then placed on the Comal County Commissioners Court Agenda for final approval. After approval from all parties the Comal County Road Department will install a pole and private road sign with the approved street name.
Applications and Forms
Address Coordinator
Please contact us for any questions regarding addressing:
- Phone: (830) 608-2090
(830) 608-2090
- Fax: (830) 643-3810
(830) 643-3810