System Maintenance
The Public permitting portal will be down for maintenance Saturday (2/8) and Sunday (2/9) from 6AM to 12PM
Required Permits
When building within the unincorporated parts of Comal County, the following permits may be required prior to construction. Click on the dropdown for the type of permit you need to see the related information and documents needed for that permit type.
Please note that the permits described below are required by Comal County. Property owners need to be aware that there may be other requirements by Property Owners Associations, municipalities, utility companies, and the state and federal governments.
The On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) Permit Application is submitted along with a design from a registered engineer or sanitarian. The engineer or sanitarian certifies that their design complies with all the regulations set forth by the state of Texas. The OSSF Permit Application and Permit Checklist are available online. If it is determined* by the Comal County Engineer's Office that the proposed development associated with the OSSF Permit is within the regulatory floodplain, then a Floodplain Development Permit will be required.
If a proposed development is not associated with an OSSF Permit, the Comal County Engineer’s Office provides a floodplain development determination* through the submittal of a Floodplain Development Permit Application, available online. If it is determined* by the Comal County Engineer’s Office that the development proposed is within the regulatory floodplain, the owner will need to comply with the Comal County Flood Damage Prevention Order.
A Private Improvement within the Public Right-of-Way (PIPROW) Permit is obtained when a driveway installation, modification or any other type of work, i.e. landscaping, takes place within the public right-of-way. The Private Improvement within the Public Right-of-Way (PIPROW) Permit Application is available online.
Installation, maintaining, relocating utilities located in the county road right-of-way requires advanced approval through a permitting process. After submitting an Aerial, Pavement Cut or Non-Pavement Cut Utility Application a Right-of-Way Inspector will assist in ensuring county regulations are met in order to issue a permit. The compliance will cover right-of-way obstruction, diversion of water, and damage to the county road. The Utility Permit Applications can be found online.
A permit may be required from the Fire Marshal for commercial buildings, public buildings, and multifamily residential dwellings containing four or more units, pursuant to the Comal County Fire Code. For more information, please visit the Comal County Fire Marshal's website.
Order 367 Regulation of Outdoor Lighting, requires a permit before installation of any outdoor lighting within the Camp Bullis Dark Skies Zone. For more information regarding the Camp Bullis Dark Skies Zone and the Camp Bullis Dark Skies Zone Outdoor Lighting Permit, please click here.
In addition to visiting our office to apply for permits, we now offer an online application portal where you can submit the required information and fees. To apply online you will need to download the documents associated with the type of permit above, and upload these filled out forms as part of your application.
* As part of the floodplain development determination, the Comal County Engineer’s Office will review compliance with the Comal County Subdivision Regulations.
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